After you get ready in the morning, do you go to the kitchen? Getting your day started can be tough. However, these five steps may get your day off to a great start in the morning. Keep reading to learn about the five things you should do in your kitchen. You can learn more at The Kitchn.
1. Have some water and lemon.
What? No coffee or tea? We'll get there, don't worry. But before you grind those coffee beans or drop that tea bag in your mug, drink a glass of water. Add a slice of lemon if you want. It's good to rehydrate after a long night's sleep. If gulping down a tall glass of cold water in winter doesn't sound like a good time, sip on hot water with lemon. We all know drinking more water is a good idea, so this is a great way to get that habit going.
2. Put all clean, dry dishes away.
If you followed our suggestion here, then you have no dishes to put away in the morning! Yay! However, many of you said you prefer to let dishes air dry overnight, so if that's the case, put those dishes away first thing so you free up your drying rack and dishwasher for the day.
3. Water the plants or change water for herbs and flowers.
Have anything plant-like living in your kitchen? Take a few minutes first thing in the morning to pay attention to them, and you won't have to worry about forgetting later. Water the plants and refresh the water in any herb glasses or flower vases you have going.
4. Take five minutes to think through your day.
Before the day gets crazy and you suddenly find it's 5:00 and you haven't thought about dinner plans yet, take five minutes in the morning to think about what you plan to cook and eat that day. Make sure you have everything you need, or make a list of anything you need to pick up at the store. If something for today or tomorrow's meal needs to start defrosting, take it out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator.
5. Set out any necessary cookware for the day.
After you've thought about your cooking plans, go ahead and pull out any cookware you're going to need and set it on your stove. You might keep your slow cooker on a high shelf in your pantry, or your heavy Dutch oven on the bottom of a stack of pans. Take the effort to get it all out now, and you'll save yourself a little time later. That pot or pan can be a cheery, welcoming invitation to cook as you walk back in the door.
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